No sooner has it quieted down around Corona in the media than it seems, according to these same media, that we may already be threatened by the next "pandemic". The WHO is already helpfully on the scene, calling for "rigorous contact tracing of monkeypox patients"[1]. Doesn't this scenario sound familiar? Before we allow ourselves to be put into fear and panic once again, when superficially a slight tendency towards relaxation has just set in with regard to the summer, we should take three deep breaths and first review the most important key points of the last 2.5 "pandemic years".
Chronology of the «Corona Pandemic» [2]
On December 31, 2019, the Chinese CDC, led by virologist Dr. George Gao, reported 27 cases of pneumonia of unknown cause to WHO - out of a population in China of 1.4 billion. Two and a half months earlier, on October 18, 2019, Dr. George Gao had participated in a simulation of a corona pandemic that had broken out in South America, conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and WEF under the name "Event 201" [3] in New York.
On January 7, 2020, the Chinese health authorities identified a novel "corona virus" as the causative agent for the novel pneumonia.
As early as January 21, 2020, Prof. Christian Drosten et al. submitted a scientific publication, the recipe by which laboratories could produce a rapid RT-PCR test for the detection of the novel corona virus. It was accepted just one day later and published another day later in the medical journal Eurosurveillance. The WHO had posted the Drosten RT-PCR rapid test on its website a week earlier and recommended it as the global diagnostic gold standard.
On January 30, 2020, Drosten et al. published in the "New England Journal of Medicine" the rationale for the narrative of "epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission of 2019-nCoV," which was subsequently shown to be false, but this was never publicly corrected. [4]
On February 11, 2020, WHO named the novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2, the disease it causes COVID-19.
On February 11, 2020, WHO designated the novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2, the disease it causes COVID-19.
On March 11, 2020, WHO declared a COVID pandemic. Meanwhile, its Director General, biologist, immunologist, and philosopher Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, had been indicted for alleged genocide in Ethiopia at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. (Of course, the presumption of innocence applies until proven otherwise).
On March 16, 2020, the Swiss Federal Council declared an "extraordinary situation," the highest danger level of the Epidemic Law.
Media coverage of the «pandemic»
In the leading media, the whole event was accompanied, nationally and internationally, not with the calming of the startled population, but with the stoking of fears. Pictures of intensive care units with intubated patients with fat, bloated bellies were intended, on the contrary, to activate the primal fear in everyone of miserable suffocation.
The images were the same all over the world, which was not surprising since a large global PR agency had also participated in "Event 201".
In the months that followed, the population was bombarded with lockdown measures, reports on allegedly overcrowded hospitals [5] and regular press conferences by the task force, which was consistently astronomically wrong with its forecasts.
The big salvation was supposed to be a "vaccination" based on a new genetic technology that was developed in a matter of months and was available as early as December 2020.
The COVID "vaccination" was unanimously classified as absolutely "safe and effective" worldwide and also in Switzerland. Critical voices that questioned this in public were defamed and censored "in the name of solidarity". Nevertheless, criticism was occasionally voiced in medical journals, where it was denounced that the approval studies were not designed to show a relevant benefit and had not done so. [6] [7]
In the fall of 2021, the public media launched a simultaneous international bashing of the "re-vaccinated", claiming that they were filling the hospitals as "COVID cases". Health directors and politicians, rather than setting a good example, added fuel to the fire by demanding that the "unvaccinated" pay their own hospital costs, forgo a place in the intensive care unit, or simply "get in line. [8]
«Real World Evidence Data» on COVID-«Vaccines»
Pharmaceutical companies like to present "real world evidence" data in glossy brochures that confirm the findings from the pivotal studies.
The "real world evidence" data of the COVID "vaccines" also confirm what the pivotal studies have indicated: They are not associated with any relevant efficacy.
As early as December 2021, numerous studies showed that the "vaccination" did not prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections, but on the contrary made "vaccinated" people more susceptible to contracting COVID or even dying from it. [9]
Malta, with one of the highest vaccination rates worldwide ("fully vaccinated": 86.6%), recorded the highest COVID death rate in January 2022 since the beginning of the Corona crisis:

The data available in Switzerland also clearly confirm this trend : [10]:
As of 1/31/2022, 42.7% of COVID hospitalized were vaccinated (21.2% with a booster), 36.4% were unvaccinated, and 20.1% had "unknown" vaccination status.
As of 2/28/2022, 49% of COVID hospitalized were vaccinated (31.3% with a booster), 32.9% unvaccinated, and vaccination status was unknown for 18%.
As of 3/15/2022, 49.8% of hospitalized were vaccinated (35.3% with a booster), 31.8% were unvaccinated, and vaccination status was unknown for 18.3%.
As of 3/31/2022, 52.6% of COVID hospitalized were vaccinated (41.1% with a booster), 29.3% unvaccinated, and 18.1% had "unknown" vaccination status.
As of 5/2/2022, 52.6% of COVID hospitalized were still vaccinated (45.5% with a booster), 19.6% unvaccinated, and in 27.8% the vaccination status was "unknown."
As of 5/13/2022, 66.3% of COVID hospitalized were vaccinated (53.2% with a booster), 18.7% unvaccinated, and in 15.0% the vaccination status was "unknown":

Far more concerning, as of 11/5/2022, the most recent cutoff date for which data are available, 64.3% of those who died of COVID were triple vaccinated:

Even if these figures vary depending on the reporting date, two things can be deduced: 1. hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID are definitely driven in the majority by (multiple) vaccinated persons. 2. the vaccination status of a relevant proportion of persons is still not recorded.
In view of this data situation and the worldwide exploding cases of severe side effects and deaths in connection with the COVID "vaccination"[11] , does it not seem downright absurd that also in Switzerland the introduction of a 2nd booster vaccination is already being discussed and in Germany the "vaccination obligation" is being introduced for nursing staff? [12][13]
The role of the media: What is «fake news»?
The media are organized worldwide in a matrix-like manner, which makes it easy to exert influence on them "from above. [14][15] The public media represent the opinions of authorities and powerful financial backers. They steer the readers' attention in the desired direction, primarily distract from the essentials and conceal the most important events.
Anything that challenges public opinion is currently classified as "fake news." This hidden censorship is to be systematically expanded in the future under the guise of "health" at the request of the WHO [16] : «Infodemic COVID-19 misinformation, often combined with ineffective, inconsistent risk communication and public health information, has undermined public trust in public health authorities and science and the effectiveness of public health and social interventions, as well as demand for countermeasures such as vaccines. New infodemic management techniques can counteract some of the corrosive effects of misinformation on public trust in science and government agencies; lasting trust and resilience must be built through effective engagement with communities.»
In the next few days, a new WHO pandemic treaty is to be negotiated in Geneva, based on a proposal from the USA [17], In the new treaty, the WHO Secretary-General should be able to react to "potential" and not only to "actual" health threats and (arbitrarily) define an emergency situation. This can be done at his own discretion, even without the consent of the affected country (the corresponding consent passage has been deleted in the proposed amendment) [18]. The specifications on which verifiable information the WHO Secretary-General must refer to are completely softened. Concerned citizens in Switzerland have therefore called for the signing of a corresponding petition. [19]
Monkeypox - «Same same but different»?
Now back to the "monkeypox outbreak", which according to the public media is currently "geographically spreading" [20]: The health ministers of the G7 member states (Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, USA, Canada and Japan) together with the WHO, analogous to "Event 201", will simulate the emergency case of a "smallpox pandemic", which according to the scenario there is due to a leopard bite, in an exercise in Berlin next Thursday. After twelve weeks, according to the scenario, there should be hope as a vaccine is being developed [21]. This is not the first smallpox pandemic exercise: back in March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), in collaboration with the Munich Security Conference, simulated an outbreak of a monkeypox pandemic. [22]. In a November 2021 paper [23] it summarizes the findings of this exercise. On p.10 of this paper, the scenario includes a "monkeypox outbreak" dated May 15, 2022:

The FDA had already approved a conventional smallpox vaccine for humans in September 2019 and purchased 13 million doses of it as a precaution. [24]. It remains to be seen whether there will be a need for smallpox vaccinations in the near future, whether gene vaccines will soon follow here as well, or whether the smallpox pandemic will vanish into thin air again. In any case, Great Britain has already announced that it will administer the human smallpox vaccine to hospital staff as a preventive measure, since it is said to provide "85% and presumably lifelong" protection against monkeypox. [25]
Dear Readers, Millions of people around the world have realized that what has happened in the last two years and will probably continue to happen in the future has little to do with chance and the measures taken have even less to do with health and solidarity.
Stefan Oelrich, member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG, said in October 2021 at the "World Health Summit" [26]:
"The mRNA vaccines are an example of cell and gene therapy. If we had done a public survey two years ago and asked who would be willing to take gene or cell therapy and have it injected into their body, probably 95 percent of people would have said no. This pandemic has opened a lot of people's eyes to innovation in a way that wasn't possible before."
Hand on heart: who would have allowed themselves to be "vaccinated" with a completely unproven drug if they had not previously, unconsciously, been placed in a deep state of fear? Fear paralyzes and makes clear thoughts impossible.
It is not easy to come to insights that turn the familiar world view upside down. Sooner or later, hopefully, everyone will go through this and find that, ultimately, they emerge strengthened from this process.
Dear readers, the critical questioning in my articles was not compatible with my long-standing position in the pharmaceutical industry. Public platforms and media, which participated in the questioning in the last two years, unfortunately no longer publish my articles. If you like my texts, I would be happy about a small financial support. Details of my account can be found on my website www.katischepis.ch . Thank you very much!
[5] https://www.dieostschweiz.ch/artikel/froehliche-zahlenknobelei-oder-reise-nach-jerusalem-a3g33v7
[10] https://www.covid19.admin.ch/de/vaccination/status [11] https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal/ ; https://sciencefiles.org/2022/05/04/41-schwere-erkrankungen-die-von-covid-19-impfstoffen-verursacht-werden-besprechung-von-106-wissenschaftlichen-studien-die-das-belegen/
[14] J. Wernicke, «Lügen die Medien», WESTEND-Verlag, 1.9.2017